Maktab Duli PRR

مكتب دولي Ú¤Ú ÙŠØ±Ø§Ù† مودا المهتدي بالله
Maktab Duli Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah
Pembimbing Rakan Remaja
Rakan Dorong Rakan
"Today we are proud to be mdians, tomorrow md will be proud of us"
Counselling's Vision:
"Membantu MDians ke arah kesempurnaan dan kecermelangan"
Counselling's Mision:
"Berusaha membantu MDians ke arah kesempurnaan akademik, kerohanian dan jasmani bagi melahirkan insan yang berkualiti dan cemerlang"
What is Counselling?
Counselling gives services in the process of helping clients.
Counselor is to listen, understand and allows clients to think of their own problem or issue.
To help clients achieve their goals in an effective ambience.
Who needs the counseling service?
Counselling service is open to MDians who need help.
Counselling services can be held individually or in groups.
It can be related to academic, personal, career and so forth.
Counselling services include:
- Lectures and briefings covering aspects of learning, exams, time management and so on.
- Counselling activities held in college such as educational trips to gain knowledge and improving personal skills through motivational programmes.
- Communication between parents or guardians of students with the college.