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The  PRR Logo

The round shape symbolizes the unity of all the elements that are in it.

The color purple symbolizes tranquility of the PRRs and in the middle, the dark color symbolizes friends in trouble and in  need of guidance and counseling.

The six different colors on each cresent-like structure represents 

six Sixth Form School. 

The six gold star also represents the six school.

The letters 'PRR' is an abbreviation for Pembimbing Rakan Remaja.

Launched by:

Yang Mulia Datin Dr Hjh Asmah binti Hj Morni

Pemangku Ketua Pengarah Pendidikan/ Pengarah Sekolah - Sekolah Kementerian Pendidikan

In conjunction with the closing of the first 'Purih Terbilang' Camp




Designed by:

Cikgu Hj Roslan bin Hj Yakub

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