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The Start Of A New Journey

Greetings from us! We are already halfway through 2016 and you might be wondering, “What were the PRRs up to these past months?” “What have they done during the past few months?” Now, let us tell you what had we been up to!


After becoming a PRR, the very first activity we had was the leadership retreat. The leadership retreat is the first activity that PRR 2016/2017 organised. After 2 weeks of busy preparation, the day we had been longing for is finally here! On 7 May, a Saturday afternoon, the event kicked off with an ice breaking session and some games to test our teamwork. Then, we started on the workshop on role model. We had talked about what a role model is, what quality should a role model possess and also, the good and bad role model. We also drew our friends on their envelope for the “Love Letter" with our left hand. Some of them were really talented while some drawing like mine were really hilarious! The day ended off with an assignment from the mentors which is for us to write encouraging messages and letters to our friends!


On a following day which is a Sunday morning, we all came energized and all you can see is

head burying in writing the letters. The day started off with lots of cardio and stretching! You can hear everyone groaning in pain and pleading for abang to make the time for planks and squats shorter! It was a really great way to keep us awake and energised but oh boy, most of us had sore muscle on the next day!

The next activity that comes after our tiring stretching was a motivational talk by our speaker, Mr. Gary. It was quite a great sharing session where all of us had gained a lot of knowledge. After that, we were then given a task to advertise an object, where as that object can be anything. It was a fun task. Everyone had great creative ideas! After that, we filled our tummy with the delicious food that Cikgu had ordered for us.

After lunch, one of the abang shared a few stories with us. We were then thought on the function in Event Organisation and learn what does it mean to lead. It was then followed by the brain games like switching fingers from thumb to pinky, if the left is the pinky finger and the right is the thumb and then switch them and lot lot more. We also did a penguin dance and goodness gracious! Everyone was so adorable!

We then had a role play on a given situation and I had to say everyone is so talented! It was either really really funny or really really emotional, well, maybe just for me. After the role play, we had a session where we al have to carry out a meeting on a situation. We all had different roles, spy, silent, active member or the leader. It was then the last activity where we had to make choices on people who we are gonna choose if we were gonna create a new earth. We then watched a video which was really really sad to end off the event. Hakim then gave his thought on this event. It was a really meaningful and fun activity.

A huge thanks to our Cikgu and all the kakak and abang from UBD, not forgetting our speaker, Mr. Gary. Also to the MPPs that had came and made this event successful! We hope to have more activities with you all in the future!

Also, thank you all for the letters you all had written for us! Those letters would be kept well! Don’t worry, it’s well kept!


Before the holy month of Ramadhan approach, the PRR had organised a Majlis Bacaan Tahlil and Doa Kesyukuran. This event was attended by the acting principal and also several teachers. We also had the MPP and both seniors and junior PRR. The event started off with the Zikir, it was then followed by the Bacaan Yasin and Tahlil led by Iqbal Metali (Asisstant Head of Religious Affairs) and it was ended with a doa by our Head of Religious Affairs, Muazz.

After that, it’s time for the food prepared by the teacher and also a big thanks to Iman who bought us delicious coconut pudding! The PRRs had the courtesy and invited the principal and teachers to enjoy the scrumptious foods. The PRRs also invited the MPP who were quite shy to join us! After the principal, teachers and MPP get their food, the PRR too made their move on the food!

It was a memorable day for all of us. As we eat, we gathered around in the room, talked and got to know each other better. We also had a few good laughs. We then took a group selfie with both the Senior and Junior PRRs. Although it’s not a complete attendance of all members, we sure had a great time enjoying each other’s accompany. To those who didn’t join us, I hope you all can join us the next time when we have these events!

A big thanks to everyone who came and attend this event! It was a great day for all of us!


The most important day for all of us. The handover session. It was a exciting yet nervous for all of us. Before the event started, we all made sure everything was in place, checked the PA systems are working well. Thanks to all of our abang sado for carrying all the tables and sofas from the auditorium!

The event started off with the speech of the acting principal and guest of honour. The event was followed on by the presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to the PRR 2015/2016. We would like to thank our senior PRR for helping us and assisting us. We didn’t get to spend much time with you all but we’re thankful that you all had been our side along this preparation journey. Then, the letter of appointment was given to us. It was followed by the revealing of the AJKTs and the head of bureaus. All of us then said our pledge that was led by Hakim. After that, the President of PRR 2015/2016, Hadi Ikram, had given his speech followed by the newly elected President, Hakim. The event ended with a photo-taking session and refreshment were served after that.


And lastly, we had a photo shoot on the 17th of June. “For what?” you’ll ask! Well it’s for the new PRR ORGANISATION CHART 2016/2017! All of us put on a blazer and took lots of smart-looking photos! Not only smart looking ones but quirky and adorable ones as well! A super huge shoutout to our photographer Wafid for all these photos! The formal photos are up on the website so check it out!! The PRR Organisation Chart Board 2016/2017 will be up soon when school reopens! Don’t forget to check it out!


28 May 2016 marks our official start as a PRR member. “Rakan Dorong Rakan” , the promise we made. Let’s make more memories together. Together we stand, divided we fall. On this day, our journey started.

Well, that’s all for now!

Subscribe to our website and do follow us on our Instagram and Twitter (@md_prr) for the latest update!

Peace out yo! :D

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